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AuthorPourvali, Mahsa
AuthorLiang, Kaile
AuthorGu, Feng
AuthorBai, Hao
AuthorShaban, Khaled
AuthorKhan, Samee: Ghani, Nasir
Available date2021-04-08T09:00:44Z
Publication Date2016
Publication Name2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2016
AbstractNetwork virtualization allows users to build cusomized interconnected storage/computing configurations for their business needs. Today this capability is being widely used to improve the scalability and reliability of cloud-based services, including virtual infrastructures services. However, as more and more business-critical applications migrate to the cloud, disaster recovery is now a major concern. Although some studies have looked at network virtualization design under such scenarios, most have only studied pre-fault protection provisioning. Indeed, there is a pressing need to address post-fault recovery, since physical infrastructure repairs will likely occur in a staged progressive manner due to constraints on available resources. Hence this paper studies progressive recovery design for network virtualization and evaluates several heuristic strategies.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
SubjectCloud networking
disaster recovery
network virtualization
progressive recovery
TitleProgressive recovery for network virtualization after large-scale disasters
TypeConference Paper

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