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AuthorQadir, Junaid
AuthorIslam, Mohammad Qamar
AuthorAl-Fuqaha, Ala
Available date2023-07-13T05:40:52Z
Publication Date2022
Publication NameJournal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
AbstractPurpose: Along with the various beneficial uses of artificial intelligence (AI), there are various unsavory concomitants including the inscrutability of AI tools (and the opaqueness of their mechanisms), the fragility of AI models under adversarial settings, the vulnerability of AI models to bias throughout their pipeline, the high planetary cost of running large AI models and the emergence of exploitative surveillance capitalism-based economic logic built on AI technology. This study aims to document these harms of AI technology and study how these technologies and their developers and users can be made more accountable. Design/methodology/approach: Due to the nature of the problem, a holistic, multi-pronged approach is required to understand and counter these potential harms. This paper identifies the rationale for urgently focusing on human-centered AI and provide an outlook of promising directions including technical proposals. Findings: AI has the potential to benefit the entire society, but there remains an increased risk for vulnerable segments of society. This paper provides a general survey of the various approaches proposed in the literature to make AI technology more accountable. This paper reports that the development of ethical accountable AI design requires the confluence and collaboration of many fields (ethical, philosophical, legal, political and technical) and that lack of diversity is a problem plaguing the state of the art in AI. Originality/value: This paper provides a timely synthesis of the various technosocial proposals in the literature spanning technical areas such as interpretable and explainable AI; algorithmic auditability; as well as policy-making challenges and efforts that can operationalize ethical AI and help in making AI accountable. This paper also identifies and shares promising future directions of research. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited.
SponsorThis publication was made possible by NPRP Grant# [13S-0206-200273] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
PublisherEmerald Group Holdings Ltd.
SubjectAccountable Artificial intelligence
AI ethics
Human-centered AI
TitleToward accountable human-centered AI: rationale and promising directions
TypeArticle Review
Issue Number2
Volume Number20

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