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AuthorAbu Shanab, Amro
AuthorAbu-Shanab, Emad, A
Available date2022-10-25T07:14:27Z
Publication Date2022-07-26
Publication NameInternational Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
CitationAbu-Shanab, E. A., & Shanab, A. A. (2022). The influence of emotional intelligence on technology adoption and decision-making process. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 15(5), 604-622.
AbstractEmotional intelligence is a vital measure of personality in psychology, where research indicated that it has a direct influence on technology adoption. This study assumed that emotional intelligence dimensions would have an influence on personal self-efficacy, which makes it a driver of technology adoption domain. The proposed framework deployed a relational model of emotional intelligence dimensions, and connected it to technology adoption theories. A sample of 268 students filled the survey and was used for analysis. Results indicated that self-awareness significantly influenced self-management, social management significantly influenced social skills, and both social management and self-management influenced social skills. In addition, social skills significantly influenced self-efficacy. All four dimensions of emotional intelligence explained 9% of the variance in self-efficacy. Self-efficacy and effort expectancy significantly influenced performance expectancy and explain 29.6% of its variance. Finally, performance expectancy significantly influenced the behavioural intention to use Excel for the decision-making process in the future, and explained 47.8% of its variance. Results supported the model and provided a fair explanation of power. Details, conclusions and future work are reported at the end.
PublisherInderscience Publishers
Subjectemotional intelligence
decision making
behavioural intentions
TitleThe Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Technology Adoption and Decision-Making Process
Issue Number5
Volume Number15

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